Below are three of the most common dental care myths. If you’re clueless about your dental health, inform yourself and then make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles. The dentists at Juno Beach Smiles want to partner with you to create your healthiest possible smile. Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley proudly serve patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach and surrounding communities.
Top 3 Dental Care Myths:
- Sugar Causes Cavities– Cavities are actually caused by acid producing bacteria that feed off of excess sugars deposited in the mouth. Yet any carbohydrate can be used as fuel for these bacteria. The waste they produce after digesting carbohydrates is the acid that erodes your enamel and causes tooth decay. That means that chips and bread can be just as harmful as candy and soda. Xylitol, a sugar substitute found in sugar free candy and gum, has actually been found to reduce the chances of developing cavities.
- Your Chances Of Getting Cavities Decrease As You Get Older– The opposite is actually true. The older you get the more actively you need to protect your teeth from cavities. Fluoride in tap water has actually caused the incidence of childhood cavities to decrease in recent years. On the other hand, as we age, the side effects of certain medications and medical conditions like dry mouth can increase the likely hood of developing cavities.
- If You Don’t Feel Any Pain Then Your Teeth Are Healthy– Although you may feel no pain or discomfort, you could still have dental problems that require immediate attention. Your dentist can use new x-ray technology to detect cavities before they become acute enough to cause pain. As with any medical concern, the earlier the problem is found, the more treatment options are available.
Quality Dental Care in Juno Beach, FL
There are a lot of “urban myths” surrounding dental care. It’s important to dispel myths about proper dental care and dental treatments because mismanaging your dental care can be costly. Be proactive about your dental health and make an appointment with Dr. Keuning and Dr. Riley at Juno Beach Smiles. The dentists at Juno Beach Smiles are committed to your overall well being and proudly serve patients throughout Juno Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, Tequesta, North Palm Beach and surrounding cities.