Cavities are among the most common dental problems we treat as a Juno Beach dentist. While cavities are common, they are easily preventable and treatable with prompt care. With quick treatment, we restore the health of the tooth while preventing additional damage. However, all too often people underestimate the importance of having a cavity treated promptly. As a result, the decay will progress, allowing the tooth to become severely compromised. What once required a simple dental filling could now cause the tooth to need extraction. We do not want to see you place your oral health at risk due to an untreated cavity.
Juno Beach Dentist Explains Risks of Untreated Cavities
November 4, 2016
The Benefits of a Brighter Smile with Teeth Whitening
September 14, 2016
Your personal and professional life can improve with a beautifully bright set of teeth. The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry indicates that the vast majority of people notice a smile before any other physical feature. Do you think your teeth and gums impact your personal and professional image? The team at Juno Beach Smiles does and offers many aesthetic dental treatments, including teeth whitening, to improve appearance and one’s outlook on life. (more…)
Should I Get a Dental Implant or a Dental Bridge? What’s the Difference?
August 3, 2016
When you’re suffering from tooth loss, your quality of life and confidence take a huge impact. When even one tooth is missing, you no longer have proper oral functions. In addition, your remaining natural teeth no longer have adequate support. As a result, your teeth will begin to shift overtime, making them more prone to tooth decay and gum disease. Eventually, your teeth will become loose and may even fall out. To restore your smile and your oral health, you need to replace your missing teeth. Now, advancements in dentistry offer various options for tooth replacement. Among the most common options to replace a missing tooth is with a dental implant or a dental bridge.
Juno Beach dentists say gum disease affects overall health
June 9, 2016
What happens inside your mouth changes your systemic health. Your skilled Juno Beach dentists, Greg Riley DMD and Duane Keuning DMD, prevent and treat gum disease to keep patients healthy and smiling. (more…)