When a severe toothache or a dental injury strikes, your first instinct might be to head to the local hospital emergency room. After all, the staff there are trained to provide fast care for serious medical problems. And they may give you a prescription to help with the pain. However, there are several reasons why you should avoid the ER and call your dentist instead. In this article, we discuss some of those reasons.
(more…)Dental Emergency? Skip the ER and Call Your Dentist Instead
April 27, 2020
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How to Handle a Broken Denture Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
April 7, 2020
If you wear dentures, you understand the importance of maintaining regular dental checkups with your dentist. But what happens if you break one of your prosthetics and are forced to stay inside because of the COVID-19 pandemic? What can do you to take care of your smile? Before you begin to panic and worry that it will cause more damaging issues to your oral and facial structure, heed the advice of your dental professional who offers valuable tips and advice on how to take care of your broken denture at home.
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