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Juno Beach Dentist Explains the Best Toothbrushes

November 14, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — Greg Riley @ 10:46 pm

Your Juno Beach dentist for oral hygiene.When it comes to caring for your smile, the most important tool you have at your disposal is your toothbrush. However, not all toothbrushes are the same. You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing the best toothbrush to promote your oral health. But, how do you know which toothbrush is right for you? As your Juno Beach dentist, we understand that it can be a bit confusing trying to find the right toothbrush. We have the information you need to make that choice just a little bit easier.

Juno Beach Dentist Explains Risks of Untreated Cavities

November 4, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — Greg Riley @ 9:51 pm

Your Juno Beach dentist for cavities.Cavities are among the most common dental problems we treat as a Juno Beach dentist. While cavities are common, they are easily preventable and treatable with prompt care. With quick treatment, we restore the health of the tooth while preventing additional damage. However, all too often people underestimate the importance of having a cavity treated promptly. As a result, the decay will progress, allowing the tooth to become severely compromised. What once required a simple dental filling could now cause the tooth to need extraction. We do not want to see you place your oral health at risk due to an untreated cavity.

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