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Dental Implants - Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Replacing Missing Teeth Once and For All

An older couple smiling and hugging outside after receiving dental implants near Palm Beach Gardens

Are you tired of feeling embarrassed by your missing teeth? Do you want to restore your smile? At our dental office near Palm Beach Gardens, Dr. Riley and Dr. Keuning can not only enhance your aesthetics and boost your confidence, but they can also improve your oral health and minimize the potential for additional bone and tooth loss. How? With dental implants near Palm Beach Gardens! These superior tooth replacement solutions can give you the natural appearance you deserve while helping your face to maintain its shape and avoid the pitfalls that often come with missing teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants

A middle-aged woman wearing a red blouse and smiling after receiving her dental implants

When considering your options for which tooth replacement solution you should choose, you will find that dental implants offer far more than any other treatment available. From fully restored bite functionality to results that can last a lifetime, here are some of the other outstanding benefits you’ll receive with dental implants:

Types of Dental Implants

A digital image of an implant-supported bridge being placed along the bottom arch of a person’s mouth

No matter how many missing teeth you have, dental implants are a versatile solution that can restore your smile in its entirety – all without altering your nearby, healthy teeth.

Missing a Single Tooth

Should you have one missing tooth, an implant dentist near Palm Beach Gardens can replace it with a single titanium post, metal abutment, and customized dental crown. This is possible without altering your natural teeth in any way.

Missing Multiple Teeth

If you are missing multiple consecutive teeth, you will need to have an implant bridge put into place to avoid healthy teeth from shifting out of alignment. By placing two or more implants, we can affix a custom-made bridge to the top once you’ve fully healed from implant placement.

Missing All Teeth

Worried you’ll have to rely on dentures if you are missing all your teeth? Don’t worry! Dental implants can also be used to restore an entire arch of teeth using between 4 and 6 implants and a customized denture. This will offer greater stability and allow you to avoid the possibility of slippage while eating or speaking.

Cost of Dental Implants

A digital image of a stack of money bound with a single tooth dental implant laying on top of it

When considering the process dental implants requires, it should come as no surprise that they are more costly upfront than traditional tooth replacement methods. However, when considering the benefits, most patients believe them to be well worth the time, effort, and price. Not to mention, they are more cost-effective in the long run because you won’t need regular adjustments or replacements like a fixed bridge or denture!

The factors that are often considered when determining how much you can expect to pay for your new smile include:

The best way to receive a full view of the placement, process, recovery, and price is to schedule a consultation with our team. Not only will we offer a clear estimate of your treatment pricing and plan, but we will walk you step by step through the implant placement process so that you are fully aware of what to expect should you opt for this type of restorative treatment.

Dental Implant Aftercare

An older woman wearing glasses and holding a manual toothbrush in preparation for cleaning her teeth

Once your implants are firmly in place, you’ll be surprised at the noticeable difference they make in your oral health and smile! The most important thing you’ll need to do to keep your implants looking and feeling their best for as long as possible include:

Dental Implant FAQs

An older woman sitting in the dentist’s chair and smiling

Do you have additional questions about dental implants? Are you looking for clarification about a particular area of dental implant placement? Not to worry. Our team wants to ensure you have all the information you need to make a well-informed decision about your dental care, which is why we’ve compiled some frequently asked questions about dental implants for you to review.

Can dental implants fail?

Unfortunately, yes, however, it is very rare that this ever happens. Typically, dental implant placement has an extremely high success rate (around 95-98%). In the cases where a dental implant fails, it is usually because of one of the following reasons:

  1. Pre-existing infection in the gums or bone
  2. Oral hygiene neglect
  3. A weakened immune system that doesn’t allow for effective and timely healing

This is why it is crucial to be honest and transparent with your dentist near Palm Beach Gardens about your health and medical history to avoid the potential for implant failure.

Can I make the switch to dental implants if I’ve had dentures in the past?

This is dependent upon your jawbone density. There are plenty of patients who have successfully made the switch; however, it will be up to our team to determine the status of your jaw, teeth, and gums as to whether it is possible for you. If you’re tired of the removable prosthetic you’ve been wearing and want to switch to dental implants, Dr. Riley or Dr. Keuning will need to reexamine your oral and facial structures and determine if you need a bone graft or sinus lift, or if you can simply move forward with surgical placement.

Is it possible to eat my favorite foods with dental implants?

Yes! One of the great aspects of dental implants is that they look and feel like natural teeth. You are free to enjoy all the foods and beverages you love; however, as a general rule of thumb, it is best if you avoid hard, crunchy foods, as these can damage both artificial and natural teeth. You may wish to cut up larger foods into more manageable bites to avoid accidentally damaging your implants as well.

Will it hurt to receive dental implants?

Dental implant placement is just like any other type of oral surgery. Because it does require making incisions in your gums, you will receive local anesthesia before the start of your procedure. Once your implants are in place and you are free to go home, you will likely feel some soreness and tenderness around the surgical sites. An over-the-counter pain reliever and cold compress can help to alleviate some of the discomfort. After a few weeks of eating soft foods, avoiding strenuous exercise, and getting plenty of rest, you should begin to feel completely fine and resume normal activities.

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